Installing Jenkins-CI integrated to Github
Step 1. Prerequisites.* Make sure you have root access.
* Jenkins uses java. Make sure you have java installed. Check your java version by:
java -version
If you don't have java, installing it is as easy as pie:
yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel
Step 2. Installing Jenkins
We just have to get the RedHat Jenkins repo and install it via yum like this:
sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo rpm --import yum install jenkins
sudo nano /etc/sysconfiig/jenkins
Verify if jenkins has installed properly by invoking its startup script:
sudo /etc/init.d/jenkins start
The server by default will run at port 8080. Setup a virtual host if this doesn't work for you. Stop or restart the server by replacing start with stop/restart.
Step 3. Execute Jenkins
There are two ways to run Jenkins server, either as a stand-alone application, or deployed as a standard web application onto a Java Servlet container or application server such as Tomcat.
java -jar jenkins.war
Access Jenkins by going to http://youserver:8080.
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