Friday, February 10, 2012

Fix for “convert: no decode delegate for this image format

Fix for “convert: no decode delegate for this image format.

1.identify -list configure

2. check the installed delegates

3. Install missing delegates

4.Go to: and download the required/missing delegate library.

  1. Execute “gunzip libjpeg-6b.tar.gz”
  2. Execute “tar -xvf libjpeg-6b.tar”
  3. Change directories to the newly created “libjpeg-x”
  4. Execute “./configure”
  5. Execute “make”
  6. Execute “make test”
  7. Execute “make -n install” first to see if the makefile will put the files where you want them.
  8. If there are no errors and you’re ok with the installation path go ahead and install with “make install


  1. It post was very useful to me.

    I've some errors during ImageMagick App execution and having to re-install image libraries that script gives to me some fresh air.

    Thanks a lot
