Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Steps are simple:

1wget ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/misc/mysql/Downloads/MySQLGUITools/mysql-workbench-oss-5.2.11.tar.gz
2 tar -xzf mysql-workbench-oss-5.2.11.tar.gz
3 cd mysql-workbench-oss-5.2.11
4 apt-get install libzip-dev libzip1 libxml2-dev libsigc++-2.0-dev libcairomm-1.0-dev libglibmm-2.4-dev libpangomm-1.4-dev libglade2-dev libaudiofile-dev libavahi-client-dev libavahi-common-dev libavahi-glib-dev libbonobo2-dev libdbus-1-dev libesd0-dev libgconf2-dev libgcrypt11-dev libgnomevfs2-dev libgnutls-dev libgpg-error-dev libpopt-dev libselinux1-dev libsepol1-dev libtasn1-3-dev libsqlite3-dev libboost1.40-dev  libmysqlclient-dev libmysqld-dev uuid-dev liblua5.1-0-dev libncurses5-dev libreadline-dev libreadline6-dev libfribidi-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglc-dev libglc0 libglu1-mesa-dev mesa-common-dev libpcre3-dev libpcrecpp0 python-paramiko
5 ./autogen.sh --prefix=/path/where/you/want/to/install/it
6 make
7 make install
8 /path/where/you/did/install/it/bin/mysql-workbench
For those guys who already tried it and got errors for missing packages, a python-error for missing import or a seg-faults, here my list of errors and the packages/action required to install/run:

No package 'libzip' found

01checking for ZIP... configure: error: Package requirements (libzip) were not met:
03No package 'libzip' found
05Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
06installed software in a non-standard prefix.
08Alternatively, you may set the environment variables ZIP_CFLAGS
09and ZIP_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
10See the pkg-config man page for more details.
libzip dev package is missing install it via apt-get:
1apt-get install libzip-dev libzip1

No package 'libxml-2.0' found

01checking for GLIB... configure: error: Package requirements (glib-2.0 gthread-2.0 gmodule-2.0 libxml-2.0 >= 2.6.2) were not met:
03No package 'libxml-2.0' found
05Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
06installed software in a non-standard prefix.
08Alternatively, you may set the environment variables GLIB_CFLAGS
09and GLIB_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
10See the pkg-config man page for more details.
libxml dev package is missing install it via apt-get:
1apt-get install libxml2-dev

No package 'sigc++-2.0' found

01checking for SIGC... configure: error: Package requirements (sigc++-2.0) were not met:
03No package 'sigc++-2.0' found
05Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
06installed software in a non-standard prefix.
08Alternatively, you may set the environment variables SIGC_CFLAGS
09and SIGC_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
10See the pkg-config man page for more details.
sigc++2.0 dev package is missing install it via apt-get:
1apt-get install libsigc++-2.0-dev

No package 'libglade-2.0' found / No package 'gtkmm-2.4' found/h3>

01checking for GNOME... configure: error: Package requirements (libglade-2.0 gtkmm-2.4) were not met:
03No package 'libglade-2.0' found
04No package 'gtkmm-2.4' found
06Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
07installed software in a non-standard prefix.
09Alternatively, you may set the environment variables GNOME_CFLAGS
10and GNOME_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
11See the pkg-config man page for more details.
libglade2 dev and libgtkmm 2 dev packages are missing install them via apt-get:
1apt-get install libcairomm-1.0-dev libglibmm-2.4-dev libpangomm-1.4-dev libglade2-dev libaudiofile-dev libavahi-client-dev libavahi-common-dev libavahi-glib-dev libbonobo2-dev libdbus-1-dev libesd0-dev libgconf2-dev libgcrypt11-dev libgnomevfs2-dev libgnutls-dev libgpg-error-dev libpopt-dev libselinux1-dev libsepol1-dev libtasn1-3-dev

No package 'libgnome-2.0' found

01checking for LIBGNOME... configure: error: Package requirements (libgnome-2.0) were not met:
03No package 'libgnome-2.0' found
05Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
06installed software in a non-standard prefix.
08Alternatively, you may set the environment variables LIBGNOME_CFLAGS
09and LIBGNOME_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
10See the pkg-config man page for more details.
libgnome dev package is missing install it via apt-get:
1apt-get install libgnome2-dev

No package 'sqlite3' found

01checking for SQLITE3... configure: error: Package requirements (sqlite3) were not met:
03No package 'sqlite3' found
05Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
06installed software in a non-standard prefix.
08Alternatively, you may set the environment variables SQLITE3_CFLAGS
09and SQLITE3_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
10See the pkg-config man page for more details.
libsql3 dev package is missing install it via apt-get:
1apt-get install libsqlite3-dev

configure: error: "BOOST library is missing"

1checking for boost/foreach.hpp... no
2configure: error: "BOOST library is missing"
libboost dev package is missing install it via apt-get:
1apt-get install libboost1.40-dev

configure: error: Could not find mysql_config script. Make sure the mysql client libraries are installed

1checking for mysql headers and libraries... ./configure: line 16478: mysql_config: command not found
2./configure: line 16479: mysql_config: command not found
3configure: error: Could not find mysql_config script. Make sure the mysql client libraries are installed
libmysqlclient and libmysqld dev packages are missing install them apt-get:
1apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev libmysqld-dev

No package 'uuid' found

01checking for UUID... configure: error: Package requirements (uuid) were not met:
03No package 'uuid' found
05Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
06installed software in a non-standard prefix.
08Alternatively, you may set the environment variables UUID_CFLAGS
09and UUID_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
10See the pkg-config man page for more details.
uuid dev package is missing install it via apt-get:
1apt-get install uuid-dev

No package 'lua' found

01checking for LUA... configure: error: Package requirements (lua >= 5.1) were not met:
03No package 'lua' found
05Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
06installed software in a non-standard prefix.
08Alternatively, you may set the environment variables LUA_CFLAGS
09and LUA_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
10See the pkg-config man page for more details.
liblua5.1 dev package is missing install it via apt-get:
1apt-get install liblua5.1-0-dev libncurses5-dev libreadline-dev libreadline6-dev

configure: error: OpenGL headers not found

1checking for GL/gl.h... no
2configure: error: OpenGL headers not found
opengl dev packages are missing install them via apt-get:
1apt-get install liblua5.1-0-dev libncurses5-dev libreadline-dev libreadline6-dev

configure: error: Could not find pcre-config script. Make sure the pcre libraries are installed

1checking for pcre-config... no
2configure: error: Could not find pcre-config script. Make sure the pcre libraries are installed
libprce dev and libpcrecpp package are missing install them via apt-get:
1apt-get install libpcre3-dev libpcrecpp0

ImportError: No module named paramiko

1Traceback (most recent call last):
2  File "/opt/wb/share/mysql-workbench/sshtunnel.py", line 10, in
3    import paramiko
4ImportError: No module named paramiko
5terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
6  what():  Error starting tunnel manager:
python-paramiko is missing install it via apt-get:

segmentation fault ./mysql-workbench-bin

1[2]    20800 segmentation fault  ./mysql-workbench-bin
Dont start mysql-workbench-bin, use mysql-workbench instead

Monday, October 29, 2012

Recover MySQL root Password

Step # 1 : Stop mysql service

# /etc/init.d/mysql stop
Stopping MySQL database server: mysqld.

Step # 2: Start to MySQL server w/o password:

# mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &
[1] 5988
Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
mysqld_safe[6025]: started

Step # 3: Connect to mysql server using mysql client:

# mysql -u root
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 4.1.15-Debian_1-log
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

Step # 4: Setup new MySQL root user password

mysql> use mysql;
mysql> update user set password=PASSWORD("NEW-ROOT-PASSWORD") where User='root';
mysql> flush privileges;
mysql> quit

Step # 5: Stop MySQL Server:

# /etc/init.d/mysql stop
Stopping MySQL database server: mysqld
STOPPING server from pid file /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid
mysqld_safe[6186]: ended
[1]+  Done                    mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables

Step # 6: Start MySQL server and test it

# /etc/init.d/mysql start
# mysql -u root -p

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

"Server does not use any supported authentication method" in pidgin

 "Server does not use any supported authentication method" in pidgin

     /etc/hostname doesn't match /etc/hosts and comment ipv6 address

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Varnish Cache for Centos.

 Varnish Cache for Centos.

Add EPEL repository to Yum

#rpm -ivh http://mirror.nus.edu.sg/Fedora/epel//5/i386/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm

# yum install jemalloc-2.1.3-2.el5.x86_64.rpm

#rpm --nosignature -i http://repo.varnish-cache.org/redhat/varnish-3.0/el5/noarch/varnish-release-3.0-1.noarch.rpm
#yum install varnish

Now to edit the varnish configuration file. It’s located at: etc/varnish/default.vcl. Insert the following code in the file. Explanation of the different constructs follows:

backend default {
  .host = "your.primary.domainname.com";
  .port = "80";
sub vcl_recv {
  if (req.http.Accept-Encoding) {
    if (req.url ~ "\.(jpg|png|gif|gz|tgz|bz2|lzma|tbz)(\?.*|)$") {
      remove req.http.Accept-Encoding;
    } elsif (req.http.Accept-Encoding ~ "gzip") {
      set req.http.Accept-Encoding = "gzip";
    } elsif (req.http.Accept-Encoding ~ "deflate") {
      set req.http.Accept-Encoding = "deflate";
    } else {
      remove req.http.Accept-Encoding;
  if (req.url ~ "^/[^?]+\.(jpeg|jpg|png|gif|ico|js|css|txt|gz|zip|lzma|bz2|tgz|tbz|html|htm)(\?.*|)$") {
    unset req.http.cookie;
  if (req.request == "GET" && req.url ~ "cron_job" ||         req.url ~ "something_else"        ) {
    return ( pass );

To start the varnish process 

# varnishd -f /etc/varnish/default.vcl -s malloc,1G -T -a

To redirect http traffic to varnish port 
 iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 6081


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Proxy for Curl.

Proxy Setting for Curl.

You can make a alias in your ~/.bashrc file :

alias curl="curl -x :"
Exp:  vi .bashrc
alias curl="curl -x"
source .bashrc
aswathy@AcerPower:~$ alias curl
alias curl='curl -x'

Another solution is to use (maybe the better solution) the ~/.curlrc file (create it if it does not exist) :
proxy = :
aswathy@AcerPower:~$ cat .curlrc 
proxy =
aswathy@AcerPower:~$ =================

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Password for '(null)' GNOME keyring:

 Password for '(null)' GNOME keyring:  While doing SVN.

sanitha@ubuntu1:~ svn co https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/trunk
Password for '(null)' GNOME keyring:

svn: OPTIONS of 'https://xxxxxxxxxxxxx/trunk': authorization failed: Could not authenticate to server: rejected Basic challenge (https://xxxxxxxxxxx)

The fix is..

sanitha@ubuntu1:~$ rm -rf .gnome2/keyrings/login.keyring