Tuesday, April 17, 2012



Needs to have Python >= 2.5 and kernel Linux >= 2.6.20 with those options enabled


1wget http://guichaz.free.fr/iotop/files/iotop-0.3.1.tar.bz2
2tar jxvf iotop-0.3.1.tar.bz2 -C /usr/src
3cd /usr/src/iotop-0.3.1/
To execute the program without installing it, just call via CLI:
In case that the following error comes:
1Traceback (most recent call last):
2  File "./iotop.py", line 8, in ?
3    from iotop.ui import main
4  File "/usr/src/iotop-0.3.1/iotop/ui.py", line 12, in ?
5    from iotop.data import find_uids, TaskStatsNetlink, ProcessList
6  File "/usr/src/iotop-0.3.1/iotop/data.py", line 12, in ?
7    from iotop import ioprio, vmstat
8  File "/usr/src/iotop-0.3.1/iotop/ioprio.py", line 1, in ?
9    import ctypes
It’s because you haven’t the python installed os it isn’t the 2.5 version. It’s necessary to install it.

Installing Python 2.5 on Red Hat 5.3 / CentOS 5.3

Red Hat 5 / CentOS 5 comes with python 2.4 by default. It isn’t cool to simply install the new version over the default one, instead, I’m disponibilizing here the RPMs of python 2.5 for Red Hat 5 / CentOS 5 that will be installed in his own directory /usr/bin/python25, so, the scripts that Yum and others scripts made use of python 2.4 won’t get hurt.
The news is, always that you need to use the new version of python 2.5 you’ll have to change the interpretor PATH that call python25. It’s better than the whole system going unstable, isn’t it? ;)

Executing iotop.py

With python25 installed, it’s time to modify the script iotop.py and change the interpreter on the first line, from:
Ok, time to run the script
If any of the pre-requisites won’t be safisfied, a message like this one will show informing what is missing
Could not run iotop as some of the requirements are not met:
- Python >= 2.5 for AF_NETLINK support: Found
- Linux >= 2.6.20 with I/O accounting support (CONFIG_TASKSTATS, CONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT, CONFIG_TASK_IO_ACCOUNTING): Not found
Python 2.5 it’s OK, but kernel isn’t.
Simple, compiling kernel with those options:
To compile the new kernel, there’s a post here that explains it, here I’ll show you just which options to be considered, compile and install the kernel it’s with you now ;)
General setup  --->
[*] Export task/process statistics through netlink (EXPERIMENTAL)
[*]   Enable per-task delay accounting (EXPERIMENTAL)
[*]   Enable extended accounting over taskstats (EXPERIMENTAL)
[*]     Enable per-task storage I/O accounting (EXPERIMENTAL)

Kernel (rpm) with process statistics ready to be used with iotop

To install
1rpm -ivh kernel-
in case you already installed this kernel before, will need to generate again an image initrd and use the flag --force with rpm -ivh --force command.

iotop running


Installing iotop

Into the directory you extracted iotop-0.3.1 run the command
./setup.py install
1cd /usr/src/iotop-0.3.1
2./setup.py install
How it was installed python 2.5, if you run /usr/bin/iotop the following error will be gracefuly show to you
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/iotop", line 4, in
import pkg_resources
ImportError: No module named pkg_resources
To resolve that one, it’s quite simple, into directory where you extracted iotop, in this case /usr/src/iotop-0.3.1 copy the entire directory iotop to /usr/lib/python-2.5
1cd /usr/src/iotop-0.3.1
2cp -Rp iotop /usr/lib/python2.5/
And after that, edit the file /usr/bin/iptop and modify the line of interpreter
Ok, iotop running!

Git on CentOS 5.6

Git on CentOS 5.6


I’ve been hearing good things about git lately, with many projects which used to use subversion converting to it, so I’ve decided to try it out myself. RPMForge only has version 1.5, so like the other software I’ve been using, I’ve converted Fedora 11′s rpm to CentOS and put it in the Webtatic repository.
Update 2010-02-14 – Updated Git 1.6.6 to 1.7.0
Update 2010-04-05 – Updated to, included all dependencies in the repository to remove any dependencies on other repositories
Update 2011-04-09 – Emacs support is back in, with the emacs-git package
If you haven’t set up the Webtatic repository in yum, then add it in the command-line as following:
rpm -Uvh http://repo.webtatic.com/yum/centos/5/latest.rpm
Now install git:
yum install --enablerepo=webtatic git-all